Holtane is the spectacular mountain range over Sørheim which rises 1500 meters above the Lustrafjord. The hike is long and demanding, but definately an experience you will not forget.
The trip goes through Bergheim and Bergheimsstølen and onwards up to Bergheimsnosi. From here on there is no path, but the local guides will guide you around and between several cliffs and marshy areas up to Middagsskaret.
At this point most of the climb is done and we have a great view over the Lustrafjord and the surrounding mountains. In the west we have steep cliffs 1500 meters into the fjord, to the north we see directly into the alpine peaks of Hurrungane and in the east we have rolling valleys with many many fishing lakes.
We only reccomend this trip to people who have a lot of experience with hiking and being in the mountains. The trip takes around 12-14 hours.